Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board is a viewer of all rendered publications and alerts earmarked for the user, their conversation threads and the status if any model processing jobs.

Its accessed by clicking the bulletin board thumbnail button in the home menu (red arrow below). Once entering the main "lobby" of the Bulletin Board users will see a simple status dashboard of all the relevant items in each of their boards (purple box below).

Users can click on the Bulletin toolbox (red box below) to access 4 boards:

  • Publications: The Publication board displays a list of rendered publication reports that have been posted to the user's "in-box"
  • Alerts: The Alerts board displays a list of rendered alert messages that have been posted to the user's "in-box"
  • Models: The Models board displays a list of completed model processing jobs that have been triggered by the user.
  • Workflows and Conversations:The Workflows and Conversations board displays of all a user's workflow and conversation threads. This includes threads initiated by the user, or those that have the user as a participant.
  • Subscriptions: The Subscription board displays a list of rendered subscription reports that have been posted to the user's "in-box"

Admin View

Admins will see a 'Switch to admin view' button (blue arrow above). This admin view displays alerts, schedules, and conversations for all users in the system, as you can see in the image below.

To switch back to your own view, click 'Switch to user view' (blue arrow below).